Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs
Can I send you an image of what I've done with your work?
Yes! You can send it to this email address and mention "Display" on the Subject field:
It'll be posted on the Display page.
Where are the original drawings?
The original drawings are usually with me, unless they were sold to someone else. If you’re interested in purchasing an original, contact me.
I don't want to print it myself. Can I buy a copy?
If you want a copy of a specific work and don't want to print it yourself, you should write to the following email address and mention "Buy copy" on the Subject field, along with the title of the work you're interested in:
Please note that at this time I don't have an ordering system and it might take a while to get back to you with the proper information about printing sizes and prices (you should mention the approximate size of the requested print).
You can also do this if you want an assembly kit for Edward Crocodile-Hands.
Can I sell copies or derivatives of your work?
No. You can use the work for non-profit uses only. All works are licensed under the Creative Commons, Attribution-NonCommercial license. You should contact me here if you're interested in comercial use of the work.
How can I divide a large image in several A4 (or US letter) sheets?
You can do that using the Posterazor software. It's simple to use and free. It transforms the whole image in a PDF file (the number of pages is defined by you) that is ready to print.
There is an example made available here for download.
Why do you have pixel files for some images and vector files for others?
The vector images available usually mean that they have been part of some animation that I did in the past (or worked on). You can check the animations here